Second Declaration, on Religious Matters - 30 May 1992/1997
The messages of the One God have been communicated to man in numerous forms in response to the conditions of the time. The transcriptions of these messages are works of humans. And though their interpretations have evolved over time in light of changed circumstances, new needs and additional divine messages, the proper understanding and application of all these messages is not the birth right of any one man or institution, but is the fruit of individual soul-searching, modesty and tolerance. Accordingly, none of the daughters of Jerusalem has a rightful exclusive claim to the stone of wisdom, none has a monopoly for good ideas, and every one of them is but a contributing element, a guidepost of limited perfection and reliability in the spiritual and material evolution of each individual in his or her pursuit of self-fulfilment.
Failure to recognise, accept and draw the consequences of these fundamental facts is seen to have contributed to the present conditions in many parts of the world, including the territories previously comprising the Ottoman Empire. The human sufferings, the officially carried out depreviations of basic human rights to Life, Liberty, Private Property, Freedom of Assembly and individual Pursuit of Happiness, as well as man-made backwardness in most fields of concern to free men thus have become intolerable in many places. This is the case notably in the Mosul Vilayet which is a still unpacified remnant of the Ottoman Empire's break-up. It was conditionally attached to the Kingdom of Iraq, rather than to Turkey, by the League of Nations which, at the same time, placed it under international guarantees. Successive Iraqi governments are seen to have failed to honor many of Iraq's constitutive "obligations of international concern". Iraq thus seems to have forfaited whatever rights it was entrusted with in regard to the Mosul Vilayet. At the same time, the International Community also has solemnly undertaken obligations in that region. And it would be helpful, if it were to honor and enforce those long-standing commitments and guarantees in ways and with means effectively protecting the Mosul Vilayet inhabitants against further genocidal practices and other human rights violations.
Accordingly, the leaders of the tribes, on behalf of all ethnic groups and religious communities of the Mosul Vilayet, have taken charge. On May 15, 1992, they adopted the Declaration of Self-Determination and set up the Council as the Mosul Vilayet's supreme authority in political, economic, cultural and other matters. In this capacity, the Council decided to take up consultations with religious leaders with a view to promptly and comprehensively liberate all inhabitants of the Mosul Vilayet of all religious constraints which are not of their deliberate individual choosing. Moreover, the Mosul Vilayet Council solicits the moral and material support from all people and organizations wishing to testify of their solidarity with its People. It welcomes the spiritual guidance of wise men and women anywhere which can contribute to the healing of its Citizens' and its society's badly wounded body and mind. The Council seeks to promote the respect for the wisdoms and eternally valid principles enshrined in the Holy Scriptures, notably the Avesta's call for "Righteousness", for "Good Thoughts, Good Words and Good Deeds", the Torah's emphasis on the values of the family, and the Koran's tolerance of non-Islamic beliefs in One God. And it commends the guiding principles offered by Pope John Paul II in his Encyclica "Centesimus Annus".
(1) Title and explicit reference to the Avesta were added, after consultations, on the occasion of this Internet publication on 30 May 1997
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