Fifth Declaration - 31 May 1994 (*)
The undersigned representatives of the ethnic, religious and other communities and political parties of the Mosul Vilayet (Northern Iraq),
recognizing their individual and joint responsibility to bring about and to maintain peace, security, prosperity and social justice in those parts of the Mosul Vilayet which are already, or will be liberated from the tutelage, oppression and economic plundering carried out by successive Iraqi regimes in violation notably of the constitutive and still fully valid Iraqi Declaration of 30 May 1932 (United Nations Document E/CN.4/Sub.2/1992/NGO/27),
aware of the critical importance of the unity of purpose, will and action of all concerned for the achievement of any real progress towards the common goal for an unprejudicial interim solution, which is to provide, under effective international protection and free of external constraints, for the self-financed rebuilding of the Mosul Vilayet's multi-ethnic, multi-religious and pluri-cultural community as a pre-condition for the responsible exercice of its inhabitants' right to self-determination, with the eventual effect of the Mosul Vilayet's re-attachment to Iraq or Turkey, attachment to Iran or Syria, or independence, as outlined in United Nations Document E/CN.4/1994/NGO/48,
desirous to contribute whatever is in their power, and to fully use the available assistance from abroad for the prompt development and implementation of such a regionally stabilizing interim solution which is to provide for the security, dignity and prosperity of the inhabitants of the Mosul Vilayet in line with their treaty-based "international guarantees" and other rights:
1. fully subscribe to the objectives, ways and means outlined or specified in the "Declaration of Self-Determination" and the "Mandate and Landownership Title", both signed in Ankara on 15 May 1992, as well as in the "Declaration of Separation from Iraq" and the "Mosul Vilayet Declaration" (concerning property rights and mandatory rules and procedures for resolving all related conflicts), both signed in Arbil on 20 October 1992;
2. invite all past and present owners of land situated in the Mosul Vilayet to co-sign, support and loyally implement the above specified and related documents, to register their corresponding titles and rights with the Mosul Vilayet Registry (whose present office holders are Najim Omar Khedher Al-Sourchi, Arbil, andSheik Salar Al-Hafeed, Suleimanya), and to faithfully adhere to the principles, rights and obligations thus fixed in order to lastingly overcome some actual problems of conflicting claims and to provide for the peaceful, secure and equitable enjoyment of the Mosul Vilayet's plentiful resources by all of its inhabitants;
3. invite all in a position to help (governments, United Nations Agencies, non-governmental organizations, private firms, etc.) to promptly assist in the development and implementation of a comprehensive de-mining programme covering the liberated part of the Mosul Vilayet and which is to be funded on the basis of the locally available resources in line with UN Security Council resolution 688, independent of actions eventually taken by the Iraqi government or the UN Security Council with regard to Iraq.
(*) At the request of the leadership of the Mosul Vilayet Council (MVC), this Declaration, those previously adopted and the Statute of the Mosul Vilayet Council were developed in consultation with representatives of Allied governments by the CORUM Research Group. It was aimed at resolving some festering key problems - notably the landownership dispute - underlaying the fighting which broke out again beginning of May 1994 between the peshmergas (militias) of two of the three major political parties, i.e. the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) and the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK). The current presidents of the ruling parties, Massoud BARZANI (KDP) and Jalal TALABANI (PUK), have from the outset in 1992 personally pledged their full support for the implementation of this non-prejudicial interim solution - provided the Allied governments unambiguously "give the green light". This 1994 Declaration has been signed notably by the mayors of the following and other districts of the Mosul Vilayet (to the North of the Baghdad Vilayet):
11th March, Arab & Qala, Bahar & Nawruz, Khanaqa, Mufti & Mantikawa, Mustawfi & Karama, Rizgari, Saidawi, Shorish, etc. Among the initial signatories, numerous judges, lawyers, educators, professionals and landowners of the Mosul Vilayet are found, as well as the presidents of all other 17 political parties of the liberated part of the Mosul Vilayet (for political key signatures, see below or at www.solami.com/mvc.jpg). The latter signatories are:
Bet-Nahrain Democratic Party (Eshaya Hurmuz DAWOUD),
Centre of Culture and Support from Christians (Fuad Askander ALAKA),
Iraqi Democratic Salvation Movement (Abu Haider AL-WASITY),
Iraqi Turkman Union Party (Saifaddin DAMIRCHI),
Islamic National Movement in Kurdistan (A. MOUSTAFA),
Islamic Unity Party (Sarwan Majeed AHMED),
Kurdistan Conservative Party (Omar Khidher AL-SOURCHI),
Kurdistan National Party (Jabar Abdulla Mirza ROSTAMI)
Kurdistan Old Fighters Society (Muhammed Ismaeel HAMAD),
Kurdistan Rizgari Party (Rekar Aziz AHMED),
Kurdistan Union of Independence (Renas MUHAMMED),
Kurdistany Socialist Party (Moohamad Haji Mahmood GOLA-KHAN),
Kurdish Nationalist Society (Bakhtiar Shawkat ZANGANA),
Kurdish Nationalist Society - Progressive Leadership (Ghafour MAKHMOURY),
Turkman Brotherhood Party (Waleed Muhammed Salih SHARIKA),
Turkman Union Party (Riyaz SARIKAHYA),
Turkoman Woman Union (Nergiz Abdulla AZIZ),
Work Party for Kurdish Independence (Wirya SAEED),
Yazidian Community (Edou Baba SHEIK, MP),